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Alpha Force Update: Week 1

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Police reservists in northern Kenya to join fight against Shabaab: CS Kindiki

The national government plans to involve police reservists in terror-prone areas of northern Kenya in fighting terrorism. This was announced by Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki Thursday while on a security tour in Mandera County. Prof Kindiki said Kenya will adopt a similar approach as Somalia where civilians are enjoined in the fight against al-Shabaab militants who have continued to cause havoc in the North Eastern, Mandera, Wajir and Garissa counties. Read More…

Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti join Al-Shabaab offensive

Kenya has joined Ethiopia and Djibouti in launching a joint military offensive against Al-Shabaab insurgents to prevent their infiltration into the region as the war against the militia in Somalia continues. President William Ruto joined his counterparts, Abiy Ahmed (Ethiopia), Ismail Omar Guelleh (Djibouti) and Hassan Sheikh Mohamud (Somalia), in a one-day frontline states summit in Mogadishu. The meeting was held to discuss how to stabilise Somalia and unite in the fight against terrorists in the region. Read More…

Fake cop charged with attempting to strike police officer with a machete

A suspected police imposter who was arrested with military uniforms in Huruma, Nairobi is facing charges of personating a police officer contrary to section 10 (b) of the penal code.

Mr Philemon Okumu has been charged with falsely presenting himself as an employee of the National Police Service (NPS) a police corporal and his two colleagues constables Kelvin Karanja and Kelvin Orambui of Huruma Police Station on January 31, 2023. Read More… 

Willie Kimani murder: Leliman sentenced to death as co-accused get lengthy jail terms

Four convicts in the murder of human rights lawyer Willie Kimani, his client Josephat Mwenda and driver Joseph Muiruri have been given varying sentences ranging from 20 years in jail to death. The killings occurred on June 23, 2016. Fredrick Leliman (first accused) was on Friday, February 3, 2023 sentenced to death, Stephen Cheburet, the second accused, (30 years), Sylvia Wanjiku, the third accused (24 years), and Peter Ngugi, the fifth accused (20 years). Read More…

DPP Haji Appoints 61 Officers to Scene of Crime Unit

The Director of Public Prosecutions Noordin Haji on Friday, February 3, appointed both senior and junior police officers to the specialised Scene of Crime Unit. Haji appointed a total of 61 officers to the unit aimed at leading investigations into criminal cases throughout the country. 

“In exercise of the powers conferred by section 78 of the Evidence Act, the Director of Public Prosecutions appoints the officers listed in the Schedule hereto, to be Scene of Crime Officers to take and prepare evidence of a photographic nature in criminal proceedings, for the purpose of producing certificates of photographic images from crime scenes under the Evidence Act,” Haji wrote in a Gazette Notice dated January 19, 2023. Read More… 

Police want KDF out of its air wing operations

The National Police Service (NPS) is now demanding back control of its air wing from the military two years after it was placed under the National Air Support Department (NASD). NPS also want back control of the Marine Police Unit, while the Forensic Laboratory should be left exclusively under the control of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI). The request was made by the Inspector-General of Police to the task force on police and prison reforms. Read More… 

Address the security concerns at Karebe Mining, urges British envoy Jane Marriot

British High Commissioner to Kenya Jane Marriot has raised concern over the controversy facing Karebe Gold Mining Company in Nandi. Ms Marriot urged Governor Stephen Sang to look into the security concerns in the minefields. This follows the death last week of three Karebe Gold Mining workers in a blast at a mining site, exposing bitter rivalry in the gold fields. Six other people were injured in the incident. Read More… 

Nairobi Business Owners Warn of Gangs Increase During Meeting

Business owners in Nairobi’s Eastleigh Estate have warned the public over the emergence of gangs targeting their enterprises and the general public. In a meeting with the police on Thursday, February 2, the business community lamented over recent muggings that had been witnessed in the area. Peter Ng’ang’a, the chairman of the boda boda in the neighbourhood, added that they were also being targeted by the knife-wielding gang members. Further, he called on the police to rein in the situation. Read More… 

Tension in Isiolo after resurgence of bandit attacks

Tension is building up in Mlango, Burat ward in Isiolo North constituency, following last weekend’s killing of four people in two separate attacks. Two suspected cattle rustlers said to have come from Samburu County were Friday morning shot dead as they attempted to raid the area where there is a grazing reserve for local Turkana, Borana and Somali communities. In the second incident on Saturday suspected to be a retaliatory attack, one person was killed and two others injured after armed men raided the village. One of the injured died yesterday at the Isiolo Referral Hospital. Read More…

Somalia’s neigbours back bid to lift of arms embargo

Leaders from the three countries neighbouring Somalia, including Kenya, have endorsed the quest to end a 30-year arms embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council in 1992. During a meeting in Mogadishu today, Heads of State from Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti said they backed Somalia President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s government as it rebuilds stability. The UNSC imposed the arms embargo on Somalia in 1992 to cut the flow of weapons during the country’s civil war. Somalia is eager to have the embargo lifted this year. Read More… 

Ex-Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta convenes urgent meeting to review security situation in eastern DRC

Former Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has called for urgent meeting with East African Community (EAC) technical advisers to review deteriorating security situation in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In a press release to newsrooms from the Office of the 4th President of Kenya, Mr Kenyatta convened the meeting on Tuesday in his capacity as the Facilitator of the EAC-Led Nairobi Process on the Restoration of Peace and Stability in eastern DRC. Read More… 

Why Uhuru’s security was scaled down – IG Koome

Inspector General of police Japhet Koome has confirmed the scaling down of Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta’s security detail. Addressing the media on Friday, Koome said the security detail has been scaled down and other officers of senior rank that were deployed in his security detail have been recalled back. He said the commander who leads the security detail of a President is of the rank of Assistant Inspector General of Police. Read More…

Uproar as Land Rover Discovery Driver Speeds Off After Pumping Ksh10K Fuel

A trend where motorists fuel at petrol stations and drive off without paying the attendants seems to slowly creep back after another driver sped off without paying their Ksh10,000 bill.  According to the road safety mobilization entity, Sikika, the driver of a Land Rover Discovery fueled at Kiserian, Kajiado County, but drove off without paying. The incident left the petrol attendant staring at a huge bill. The petrol station attendant reported the matter at Kiserian police station under OB Number 23/23/01/2023. Read More… 

Interior CS Kindiki to launch police unit to protect water facilities

Interior CS Kithure Kindiki is this morning scheduled to launch a new police unit dubbed the Water Protection Unit (WPU), whose mandate will be to protect critical water assets in the country. The unit will comprise of officers from the Critical Infrastructure Protection Unit. It will ensure that all critical water facilities are safeguarded against criminal activities in up to 34 counties under the state water works development agencies. A brief from the ministry states that the unit will also respond to other emerging security dynamics in the Ministry of Water. Read More… 

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